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银行有一批忠实的客户,所以他们就可以为所欲为了。然而像OzForex, CurrencyFair和WorldFirst之类这种非银行公司,你有时会拿到比银行更好的汇率。 机场停车 证券外汇 - 门户 - 新足迹 - 新足迹澳洲华人生活大全 alexchan_au 发表于: 2015-8-26 | 回复: 10 | 浏览: 3338 最近中国政府的一些举措 前一段时间听闻人民币贬值,除了感觉以后人民币换澳币可能汇率高点以外,并没有其他感觉。 今天一早在家看朝闻天下,央视开了专题专门针对国内大力打击非法“地 新足迹澳洲华人生活大全 - Nov 25, 2008

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*Saving calculated using OFX consumer Customer Rate compared with publicly available aggregated average customer rate of ANZ and Commonwealth Bank of Australia;on a single transfer of AU$10,000 to US dollars between 03/02/20 and 21/02/20, excluding weekends. Transaction costs excluded. Quoted savings are not indicative of future savings. Historical Exchange Rates OzForex Limited ABN 65 092 375 703 (trading as “OFX”) and its subsidiaries make no recommendations as to the merits of any financial product referred to in the website, email or its related websites. OFX is regulated in Australia by ASIC (AFS Licence number 226 484). OzForex Limited ABN 65 092 375 703 (trading as “OFX”) and its subsidiaries make no recommendations as to the merits of any financial product referred to in the website, email or its related websites. Please read our Product Disclosure Statement and our Financial Services Guide. OzForex:澳元/美元恐进一步走低, OzForex高级外汇经理Jim Vrondas表示,近期事件已令澳元/美元承压。

available aggregated average customer rate of ANZ and Commonwealth Bank of Australia;on a single transfer of AU$10,000 to US dollars between 03/02/20 

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